Meet Our Counselor

My name is Dr. Abiola (Abby) Adeniyi and I am the founder of Renovare Hope Ministries. I have a passion to help people live a life of balance and fulfillment as they live out their God-ordained purpose. When I'm not working, I enjoy reading, dancing and spending time with my husband and our 4 beautiful children.

Education and Pastoral Counseling Credentials

LLB Law - University of Ibadan

Masters in Counseling and Mental Health - Lamar University

Doctorate in Clinical Psychology - California Southern University

Certified Temperament Counselor - NCCA

Advanced Certified Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor - NCCA

Ordained Minister

Professional Association

Member - National Christian Counseling Association

Member - National Association of Christian Ministers

Dr. Abiola (Abby) Adeniyi

About Us

Our Counseling Ministry aims to alleviate emotional pain and suffering through Christ-centered counseling. We intend to equip you to navigate life's challenges, and support you in fostering a better understanding of yourself, God, and His purpose for you. We provide both in-person and online counseling to children, teens, college students, and adults.

Therapy Styles

Temperament Therapy

Temperament refers to our inherent emotional and behavioral patterns in response to the world. Our temperament influences how we manage stress and the challenges we encounter in our daily lives. It's important to note that temperament is distinct from our personality, learned behaviour, or physical appearance. It is the God-knitted innate part of us that determines our reactions to people, places, and things.

The APS by Dr. Richard and Phyllis Arno is the tool we use to identify a person's temperament. Recognizing that we are intricately crafted by God is crucial. As stated in Psalm 139:14-16, "I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful; I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth." This divine affirmation should reassure us of our unique and purposeful existence.

Temperament Therapy is an approach that helps individuals comprehend their temperament and therefore strive for a balanced life. It centers on understanding one's inner self through the lens of God and applying that knowledge with various temperament techniques to bring balance into different aspects of our lives.

Utilization of Play for Children during sessions

Play, in its various forms, is considered to be the language of children. Young children can express complex emotions and process their inner experiences and feelings through play. In counseling sessions, we provide a variety of toys and supplies, allowing children to freely engage in play, building, and drawing while communicating their experiences and feelings.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a well-established, practical, and effective therapeutic style. It is based on the connections between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors and how they can influence each other.

The fundamental principle behind CBT is that thought patterns affect emotions, which can influence behaviors. It is often not only the things and situations that cause problems but also "the sometimes-exaggerated" importance that we attach to them.

Our goal here at Renovare Hope ministries is to help you recognize and change false and distressing beliefs. The Bible says in Romans 12:2, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what that good and acceptable and perfect will of God is.”

Our minds are powerful tools that need to align with who God says we are, who God has called us to be, and the purpose for which God has created us